The Village of Glendale Heights maintains approximately 13,000 park and parkway trees. In 2013, the Village of Glendale Heights revised its Municipal Forestry Plan. With these plans, the Village created outlined details how we are going to reforest our parks and parkways.
Reminder - if you notice any unsafe conditions involving your parkway tree, please contact the Parks & Recreation Department immediately.
The Village of Glendale Heights values its urban forest. Trees beautify our community, clean the air and enhance investments. The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) placed a significant burden on the Village's tree replacement funding. Therefore, the Village has adopted a Parkway Tree Replacement Program for tree replacements.
Trees will be approximately 2 1/2" in diameter and 6' tall when planted. Trees will be planted, mulched and guaranteed for one (1) year. Parkway planting sites must meet specifications listed in the Village's Urban Forestry Plan. The Village Arborist will make the final determination of planting sites and size of tree to be planted.
There are three options available for parkway tree replacements:
Homeowner/Resident Funded Tree Program: This program provides the opportunity for residents to select and purchase a parkway tree for $300. Your selection from available tree options is guaranteed to be planted in the next planting season.
The Tree Share Program: This program provides the opportunity for residents to select and purchase a parkway tree for a fee of $150 with the Village sharing 50% of the cost. Your selection from available tree options is guaranteed to be planted in the next planting season as funding becomes available.
Tree Replacement Program: This option is free to all homeowners who's parkway meets the planting specifications as defined in the Village's Urban Forestry Plan. Trees are planted as funding becomes available on a first removed/first planted basis.
For more information, please contact Jennifer Fulton at 630.909.5130.